“You Speak Medicine!” – an audience and financial success radio-show

“You Speak Medicine!” – an audience and financial success radio-show

You Speak Medicine!

+ the medical radio-show that makes people healthy and broadcasters financially ecstatic +



 x ranging from adolescent to wiser-age themes

x from men’s to women’s issues

x from medical myths & gossips to hard medical truth


x from adolescents to seasoned individuals


x a 2-minute medical radio pill

x pre-recorded


x take a hot topic or

x an age-old topic or

x a human issue still being debated, dissect it into 2-3 unexpected parts & add an “aha!” moment

x leave people happy for having learned something meaningful


x on air (radio broadcasts)

x turned into videos for the web

x 4-6 episodes per week (2-3 first-runs on Sat – Mon & on a different time-slot, 2-3 re-runs on Wed – Fri)

x 5 promos per day



 Pharmaceutical companies

x non-prescription drugs | therapeutical area topics for medical-prescription drugs


Clinics and private hospitals | Health insurance companies

x promoting their services | brand publicity


Telemedicine services providers

x promoting their services | brand publicity

Health related products on-site & on-line shops

x brand publicity | special campaigns awarness


Fitness & welness centers

x brand publicity


Medical devices producers | Bio (eco) products manufacturers

x brand awarness



x Dr. B learns about the sponsor’s characteristics and gets exposed to its objectives related to “You Speak Medicine!”

x Dr. B learns about its products / services

x Dr. B produces the script

x Dr. B records the spoken transcript / the radio episode (raw version)

x the radio station edits the record to the broadcastable version

x the radio station airs the episode | the income flows both ways




Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu - curs prim ajutor


General practitioner


Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu is a distinguished Romanian physician with over a decade of dedication to educating his fellow citizens about healthy habits and demystifying hot topics, earning him the moniker “Doctor Myth.”

He is the producer of two television shows: “Doctor Myth”, which focuses on health, and “DIGIPEDIA Science”, which delves into scientific subjects. Additionally, he hosts a radio show, “You Speak Medicine!” broadcast by Romania’s largest radio station, Kiss FM. Dr. Ivanescu also serves as the host of the BBC-style TV science documentary “Risk Area” and is the co-founder of the biotechnology clinic, Doctor Myth Clinic.

A true adventurer, he has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, explored the depths as a technical deep diver, and soared the skies as a skydiver. Perhaps most importantly, he is a regular blood donor, exemplifying his commitment to the well-being of others.






Doctor MiT

Doctorul Bogdan Ivanescu este co-fondator al bancii de tesuturi umane StemSure (2009), fiind implicat in primul transplant de celule hematopoietice din Romania. Totodata este creatorul platformei medicale Doctor MiT (2013), asumandu-si astfel rolul de a valida sau de a desconspira miturile medicale in care am ajuns sa credem si gazda documentarului romanesc de biotehnologie Biocod realizat de catre DIGI World. Este promotor al celor mai noi tehnologii medicale aparute la nivel mondial precum Rigenera si un fervent sustinator al cauzei ce promoveaza masurile ecologice pentru limitarea efectelor incalzirii globale. In acest sens compania pe care a fondat-o planteaza cate un copac pentru fiecare copil pentru care parintii aleg sa recolteze celule primordiale la nastere. Este membru al echipei studiului clinic ce implementeaza in Romania transplantul cu celule recoltate la nastere pentru tratarea autismului la copii.

Paralizia din somn
Paralizia din somn: de ce apare si cum poate fi evitata!
sexul copilului, gravida,
Poti ghici sexul copilului dupa forma burtii?


“You Speak Medicine!” – an audience and financial success radio-show