Let's speak Medicine!
I am Dr. B, and I’m bringing you the latest and most interesting health information.
In this spirit, aren't you curious to discover why, as men age, the hair on their scalp disappears only to show up in their ears, nose, or even to decorate their backs?
I'm joking – it's not the same hair, but what I've described is the reality. As men age, 60% experience baldness and roughly the same number discover that their hair thickens in all the unwanted places.
The explanation is fascinating. The hair follicles on the scalp react differently to testosterone, mainly dihydrotestosterone. The crown and forehead follicles understand that they need to shrink, miniaturize, and eventually disappear. However, the hairs on the temples and nape are deaf to the orders of testosterone.
Conversely, the hair follicles in the nose, ears, and on the back react oppositely. As the concentration of this hormone increases, they become more active and increase their hair production. Thicker, larger, longer, and darker hairs, unfortunately!
But you might object that testosterone levels decrease with age, and you'd be right. However, our scalp and back are unaware of this because three mechanisms work against us. First, with age, follicles become more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone. The second mechanism is that a particular enzyme extracts this hormone more efficiently from even lower testosterone levels. The third mechanism increases our local production of testosterone when its blood levels decrease.
We might say there's no escape! Well, not quite. At the Doctor MiT Clinic, we have a solution for alopecia to cover what has been uncovered, and additionally, the grooming device industry, which removes unwanted hair, has boomed. That's excellent as it allows us to maintain a, shall we say, friendly appearance. 🙂
Now you know how your scalp gets more testosterone from lesser testosterone! And that's the secret for which your scalp hair migrates to the nose, ears, and back! Now, you speak Medicine with me, Dr. B!
x angajati
x bone
x elevi & studenti
x cadre didactice
x max. 30 participanti / curs
x 5 ore
x prezentare teoretica
x hands-on pe manechine de training
x testare finala teoretica & practica
x locatie aleasa de catre client
(min. 30 m2 open-space)
Teoria abordarii urgentei
x algoritmul de abordare DRABC
Traumatismele capului si coloanei
x comotia cerebrala, gestionare, HAINES
Gestionarea cailor aeriene superioare, torace, aparat locomotor
x anatomie, manevre, diferente adult versus copil
Stopul cardio-respirator
x garoul, resuscitarea, defibrilatorul extern
Aplicatii practice (hands-on)
x manevre pe manechine robotizate, lucrul individual / in echipa
Consolidare si recunoastere
x examinare teoretica & practica, eliberarea diplomei
x spatiu cu lumina naturala si ventilat (client)
x lunch break la jumatatea cursului (client)
x video-proiector (Doctor MiT)
x perete de proiectie (Doctor MiT)
x 1-6 manechine anatomice robotizate (Doctor MiT)
x materiale studiu (Doctor MiT)
Medic generalist
Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu dedica energie si cunostinte educarii romanilor prin emisiunea TV DIGIPEDIA Stiinta difuzata de DIGI World si prin emisiunea medicala radio, leader national pe segmentul ei, Medicina pe limba ta!, difuzata de Kiss FM.
Dr. Bogdan Ivanescu completeaza cunostintele teoretice cu cele practice pe care le puteti obtine participand la cursurile practice pe care le organizeaza sub egida Doctor MiT. Si, la fel de bine, puteti beneficia de serviciile medicale ale Clinicii Doctor MiT, atunci cand e cazul.
Bogdan Ivanescu este trainer (formator) autorizat de catre Ministerul Muncii din Romania avand, totodata, competente de Medicina Alternativa.
Medic prima de medicina sportiva
Dr. Alin Popescu este cel mai cunoscut medic primar de medicina sportiva din Romania. Este preocupat de sfera medicala a traumatismelor si a interventiei de urgenta, atat in mediul sportiv cat si in cel de zi cu zi.
Astfel, doctorul Popescu este trainer (formator) autorizat pentru sustinerea Cursului de de Prim Ajutor de catre Federatia Romana de Rugby. Pe langa calitatile native de educator, Alin Popescu are o vasta experienta practica de acordare a primului ajutor in cei 22 de ani de cand este Medicul Coordonator al Federatiei Romane de Rugby, participand la marea majoritate a meciurilor echipelor romanesti si ale Stejarilor.
Sustinerea pana acum a nenumarate cursuri de prim ajutor il recomanda ca cel mai potrivit trainer pentru cei ce vor sa descopere tainele a ceea ce international este numit “chain of survival”.
Medic specialist de medicina sportiva
Dr. Dan Wanya Cringu este un distins medic sportiv din Romania, cadru medical profesionist pentru Federatia Romana de Rugby.
Are un trecut notabil, prin activitatea sa din Directia de Sanatate Publica (DSP) din Bucuresti aratand un interes real pentru starea de sanatate la nivel de populatie, perfect aliniat cu obiectivele prezentului Curs de Prim Ajutor.
Dr. Cringu este implicat activ in dezvoltarea si implementarea protocoalelor medicale pentru jucatorii de rugby, asigurand siguranta si bunastarea acestora in timpul competitiilor si antrenamentelor fiind un Educator Certificat World Rugby Federation.
x minim 700€ / curs
x de la 50€ / participant pentru grupuri de 15 - 30 de persoane
x diploma de participare
Curs prim ajutor