Therefore, we encourage PR agencies as well as the providers themselves to use Doctor MiT platform in order to communicate towards the general public or to backlink their websites within the adverts they order (link buying).
Therefore, even if the regular price for an advert starts from 450€ (+VAT) per unit, we offer agencies from abroad a special price for such an advert or pack of adverts.
Prices are expressed in Euros without VAT.
OPTa 1 x Advert = 130€ OPTb 2 x Adverts = 160€ OPTc 1 x Extra Backlink = 20€
Each advert holds 1 do-follow specificed link. More backlinks per advert can be ordered. Please choose your option and share your order with us using [email protected] email address together with the advert itself.
Text size: 250 – 1,000 words Links do-follow: 1 Pictures: 1 – 4 with/without captions
Please add:
| Link do-follow + text position| Slug | 1-3 SEO Keywords with synonims| Meta description | Excerpt | 1 Cover photo (1 Mb at least, 16:9 format, no text inserted)
Payment is expected no later than 48 hours after the post has been published. Payment will be sent to DOCTOR MIT CENTER S.R.L. bank account RO42INGB0000999906439112 opened at ING Bank Romania, Baneasa Branch, SWIFT INGBROBUXXX, company tax code RO36819724.
Once payment is received the fiscal invoice will be issued and delivered via email.
We reserve the right to add other relevant backlinks that add value to the advert such as from Wikipedia or from domain. Once the adverts are published in the special section ADVERTISING of our website they are held online indefinitely.
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